The name of this website’s collection of blog is “Choose to Live.” This was spurred by my personal mission statement which is centered around making those daily choices to live life—take hold of as many opportunities as possible and embrace the experiences!
This is one of the ways I strive to live my life, but like everyone, we are not always perfect.
The past few weeks I have found myself saying yes to more and more work/club related activities. Somehow if there is a group project in a class, I receive the automatic “leader of project” status and add yet another task on my check list. For those over-achievers like myself, this sounds wonderful at the time. We can go for weeks working our tail off and feeling good because we are productive; however, there comes a point where that brick/steal double plated wall smacks you in the face! You suddenly realize that you have been saying “yes” to too many of the wrong things. YES should come more often with those experiences that don’t go on your task list, but rather on your calendar as an exciting event you can’t wait for!
This Saturday night after a long week of work and meetings, I decided to take a personal night. I went to a redbox and rented the movie “Yes Man,” with Jim Carey. First off, anything with Jim Carey can put a smile on my face, so that was a bonus before the movie even began! Second, whether you are a movie person or not, this movie has a message everyone should hear!
Here are a few of my favorite quotes I picked up on:
“You say yes to the world and you will receive yes in return.
When you say yes to things, you embrace the impossible." –“Yes Man” program Creator
“When you say no, you say no to life." –“Yes Man” Program Creator
“Every time an opportunity presents itself, you will say yes." –“Yes Man” program Creator
“The world is a playground! We knew this as children but some how we forgot it.” –Girl Jim Carey Likes
The core message of the “Yes Man” movie is the get out of your normal routine and say yes to new experiences! My favorite quote was said by the character in the movie who Jim Carey ends up liking. She relates the world to a playground. For some reason, the older we get the more professional-minded we are conditioned to be. Because of this, we often forget about just how fun the simplest of activities can be. Swinging in an old tire swing, having a water fight, rolling around in the mud, or even just taking a hike and appreciating the beauty that surrounds you.

The key to stepping onto that playground we call the world…you must say yes. This doesn’t mean say yes to more work-related activities, no, I am talking about saying yes to those non-work and life-fulfilling engagements. The next time a friend asks you to go for a walk or dress up goofy for a movie premiere—say yes. Even when you think you want to say no, once you go you will not regret it.
-Take a Hike and see a sunset/sunrise
-Go to the park and play on the playground—they aren’t just there for kids!
-Start a book-study with friends
-Sign up for a run/walk that benefits a non-profit group
-Take a day for just you and some friends! Go fishing, shopping, take a road-trip, etc.

-Learn to play an instrument
-Hang out with that acquaintance you see in class each day; ask them out to coffee
-Do something random and special for a friend
-Buy flowers for your bedroom
-Have a dinner party with friends
I am guilty of being struck with the “over-achiever syndrome.” Yet, the important things is to be aware of when these over-committed times come and work to fix the way you spend your time. Why? Simple, because your happiness depends upon it.
Today, find time to say yes to a rejuvenating, fun, and out-of the-box life experience and “Choose to Live.”
Maybe go out for a night of salsa dancing? :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Keep it up!